Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lovin' it


Sorry I just want to bask in this moment real quick. Ok ladies, you know how we're always self-conscious and wondering why we're not as  pretty as "so and so" or why we're not thin blah blah. But sometimes, doesn't it feel REALLY good to just not care?

I woke up this morning and just felt wonderful. I did my morning routine. Got up, washed my face, brushed my teeth. Then I stared at myself in the mirror, smiled, and thought, "Wow, I love myself." Then I went to go grab some Cocoa Pebbles and watched Cartoon Network. Nothing is sexier than a girl who feels good about herself scrubbed out in a baggy shirt, some boy shorts, and hair all over the place. When you're looking your worst, and you feel your best, it shows.

So I wanted to share this moment with you to let you know that it is okay to say "I'm one bad ass chick," and let the world know about it. A confidence boost is needed once in awhile. We deserve it. We are all unique and unique is beautiful. 

Get it girls.

Let's party. 


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I wanted to quickly introduce myself in hopes of reaching out, and meeting other bloggers out here in cyber land. I am an aspiring screenwriter and enjoy sharing my thoughts and stories with the world. So I hope that you enjoy and I'm looking forward to meeting you!