Friday, September 26, 2008

The Feminine Mystique

Betty Friedman writes:

"When she stopped conforming to the conventional picture of femininity, she finally began to enjoy being a woman."

"The only way for a woman, to find herself, to know herself as a person, is by creative work of her own. There is no other way."

I was instantly inspired by these quotes. The Feminine Mystique written by Betty Friedman in the early 1960's, was one of the most controversial publications in history. She took on the issues of women's roles in society and the reasons for their unhappiness.  She came to the conclusion that women were unhappy due to the idealized image of femininity, which hindered the growth of personal identity.

Honestly, let's just do what we need to do and do it better than anyone else. We have the power, the resources, and the ability to do so. We just happen to do things wearing a bra. What's so bad about that? 


I'm determined though. Are you?

Inspire. Express. Create. Innovate.

Let's take over the world.

FeMystique 2009. 

Don't question authority.

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