Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Down. Down. Down...

I just wanted to share this bit of me with the world. Like I said in my previous post, dance is one of my favorite ways of expressing myself.

Just because I am who I am, I'm not one to hold back feelings (and yes, it does get me in stupid ruts). Although, I am super duper honest when I need to be, I'm not one to put PEOPLE on blast. However, the situation itself inspired me.

I choreographed this piece as sort of a last emotional run for certain someone(s) who at a point, made me and women everywhere, for that matter, feel LOW. I've always felt that there was no need to feel bad for any emotion or feeling. That's why you say it right? And anyway, feelings are provoked, so no one should ever feel sorry for liking, caring, sometimes loving someone deeply even though it's not reciprocated.

Unfortunately... I did. At the end of the day, I felt sorry for myself and sorry that I was feeling these emotions that really meant something... to me at least.

Sad realization folks, but here it is.

Thanks for letting me share =)

You Bring Me Down by Leona Lewis

I look at it as, he brought me down, and I made some fun choreo for practice with my girls =)

Silhouette Shout out! <333

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I wanted to quickly introduce myself in hopes of reaching out, and meeting other bloggers out here in cyber land. I am an aspiring screenwriter and enjoy sharing my thoughts and stories with the world. So I hope that you enjoy and I'm looking forward to meeting you!