Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Sweetbitter." My new word. Yay me!

Many things in life aren't easy, and we're either optimistic about it or not. Let's be honest though. Majority of the time, we're not satisfied with the cards that are dealt. It's a constant battle and it's draining. We take all the punches and the low blows, but we come out of it alive. Bloody and bruised... but alive.


My good friend once said, "I hate how it's bitter first because the taste seems to last longer..."

I let it sink and thought about it for a moment. Probably one of the toughest things you can do is try to forget. It hits so hard, that it takes your breath away. How do you forget a moment like that? If by any chance you have a memory eraser (Ref: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind--Totally brill movie by the way), or if you get amnesia, then... you're cured! Lucky you! 

Other than that, it's pretty much... impossible. You can't forget a face. Nor feelings and emotions that you once felt. The slightest thing-- a name, a dream, a smell, thoughts-- can trigger a memory or a sense, and it comes rushing back, haunting and taunting. Sadly, we just become numb and cold. 

Honestly, it doesn't have to be this way. No, it probably won't ever go away, nor should you want it to. My ex-boyfriend and I were together for almost 4 years. Would've married the guy, but things went sour. I was left in a world of hurt for what felt like an eternity. But shit happens and we move on to be better people in return.

So we should cherish these moments of clarity. These "sweetbitter" moments, if you will. Sounds stupid, but I don't care! Makes perfect sense to me. When you learn from the bittersweet moments in life, you begin to recognize the emotion associated with certain situations. You learn to take it in with ease, and you handle yourself with grace and maturity. God forbid you also smile at the situation. Just know that next time around, the sweet taste will last so much longer, and the bitterness will simply... wash away.

Live and learn.

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I wanted to quickly introduce myself in hopes of reaching out, and meeting other bloggers out here in cyber land. I am an aspiring screenwriter and enjoy sharing my thoughts and stories with the world. So I hope that you enjoy and I'm looking forward to meeting you!