Tuesday, September 23, 2008


This is wonderful.

So you're sitting quietly in class wondering what you're gonna eat for lunch right?

"Okay maybe I should get Togo's. No wait. I want Quickly's. Hmmm no that's fattening..."

For some reason, you snap out of it and a force field starts pulling your head towards the door, and in he comes.

(Note: For any of you Grey's Anatomy fans, you know what I mean when I say McDreamy or McSteamy. Yah... this guys is McGORGEOUS. No joke.)

Wind blowing. Slow motion.

Cue cheesy music. "Dream weaver...I believe we can reach the morning light..."

AH haha

ME: Oooo... girl.

Rox: What?

ME: Uhhh... hello

Rox: (She laughs) shut up

ME: *sigh* Wait... I think I know him

Rox: Really?

ME: (I laugh.out.loud) I think we used to work together at Chili's

Rox: Nice.

I exchange smiles with him

*Awkward turtle*

ME: I think I'm sweating...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Tree Friends rocks.

I am...

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I wanted to quickly introduce myself in hopes of reaching out, and meeting other bloggers out here in cyber land. I am an aspiring screenwriter and enjoy sharing my thoughts and stories with the world. So I hope that you enjoy and I'm looking forward to meeting you!